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How to walk kids through the transition of a move


How to walk kids through the transition of a move

There’s no getting around it: moving is difficult for everyone involved. Even if your new address is not physically far from your current one, there can be a lot to unpack—literally and figuratively speaking. Here are five ideas for how to help your little ones with big feelings about moving:

Employ the “pair of ducks”

This phrase is well worn in my household as it’s an easier way for children to grasp the idea of paradoxical emotions. The idea is that you have a “yay” duck and a “yuck” duck and, even though they are opposites, you’re able to hold each duck at the same time. Encourage your children to express their yay and their yucks as they come up. “Yay, we get to live closer to grandma!” “Yuck, I will really miss my friends.”

Stages of grief

While the move might be exciting, there will be some loss involved. Be prepared to recognize the signs and stages of grief.

Encourage documentation

Give the kids your phone and let them take videos and pictures without your direction. You might be really touched at what they want to capture.

Small gifts

Get a bunch of $5 gift cards and allow them to gift one to whomever they will miss.

Make the last night special

Have a family take-out night when everything is out of the house. Take time to say goodbye and laugh about the goofy memories. Use a recording app on your phone to listen back to it in the future.