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5 ways to be a buyer that sellers will pick


5 ways to be a buyer that sellers will pick

It may be hard to believe, but there are sellers out there who are motivated by more than just what they can net on the sale of their house. It is in these instances where buyers need an agent who can deduce what else may be motivating a seller to choose your offer over one with perhaps a higher offer price.

Here are some ways I do that:

1. Look for clues

Pay attention to clues like these while you’re on a showing:

  • House unoccupied = The sellers would probably prefer a fast closing
  • House occupied and nothing has been moved out = The sellers would probably like possession after closing
  • House in disrepair = I usually add inspection request caps so they know we won’t nickel and dime them
  • Large house with only 1 person now living in it = I will ask the list agent about possible job transfer timelines to know what’s important to the sellers
  • Lots of kids in the house = I will usually add a shortened inspection/appraisal timeline
  • Unique property = higher earnest money deposit

2. Call the list agent and get them talking

You can learn SO MUCH about what is important to a seller from a quick conversation with their Realtor®. Also, there are strategic ways to craft a conversation that allows for open space to get as much information as possible about the seller, as well as any other offers that have come in. This conversation is also an opportunity to build rapport which goes far in making you stand out in a crowded field.

3. Give loving feedback

Feedback is the ONE place where we have direct contact with the seller. Do not be shy. “My clients are over the moon about this house—It is so refreshing to walk through a house that has been so lovingly maintained. Their dog will love the backyard. PICK US. <3”

Oh, and also ring doorbells. A strategic wave and “thank you” on the front porch does wonders because they are 100% listening to you from their video camera doorbell.

4. Rely on past experience

Agents, here’s where you can really prove your worth.

If I’ve worked with this agent, I might know that they don’t like As Is addendums and we should instead go for a higher inspection cap amount.

If recent sold data makes it clear that the sellers are afraid the house won’t appraise, we can address that up front.

If I just had a client win in the neighborhood a week before, I know exactly who we are in competition with and what their offers look like.

5. Rely on your agent’s reputation

When a seller has two offers that are essentially the same, the name on the offer makes a MASSIVE difference in which one ultimately gets accepted. This is why I am at a well respected brokerage and also why I am very serious about building my reputation within the agent community. I want the agent on the other side to always say, “I love Courtney! We should really go with them.”

There are so many ways to read the room—both literally and figuratively—to determine what kind of an offer would grab the attention of sellers in a crowded field.

Get creative and I think you’ll be surprised at what gets accepted.

Got questions? Send me a text at 317-379-7720.