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5 things you can easily purge


5 things you can easily purge

As we prepare for a season of hibernation (hooray for Central Indiana having all 4 seasons!), I wanted to share my go-to list of five easily purge-able things you more than likely have in your house right now:

  1. Clothes you haven’t worn for over two years: You might just be at your new normal weight—get rid of those jeans!
  2. Garage clutter: Old paint cans (should they even be in the garage?), busted kickballs, that rake you hate—it can all go!
  3. Old papers: If it’s been sitting in a pile all year, chances are good that it’s not important anymore. Give a quick look-through and unashamedly dump (or shred if it’s got confidential numbers or info).
  4. Mystery cords: You know, the ones you keep grabbing instead of the charger that actually fits? Yeah, time to donate or dump them!
  5. Non-perishables in your pantry that are more than a year old: If you haven’t used them yet, they probably just don’t match your cooking style—offer them up to your neighbors!

What categories can you think of that need pitched? Send me an email!