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5 ways for new agents to kickstart their business


5 ways for new agents to kickstart their business

Embarking on a journey in real estate can be both exhilarating and daunting for new agents. In a field where success is determined by strategy and perseverance, it is essential to keep your expectations realistic. So hear me when I say: This will need to be your life for at *least* the first year (if not longer) because it takes a while to build a book of business! Real estate rewards the long suffering. There will not be quick money. But if you stick with it, the reward will come.

First thing’s first: you will need to create a database and enter anyone that you have at least TWO of the following for:

  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Mailing address

This will give you a starting point with which to build from for a monthly newsletter. 

While you are entering your current contacts into your spreadsheet or CRM, you will also want to work on increasing your sphere. How?

1) Host a LOT of open houses. Open houses provide an excellent opportunity for new agents to interact with potential buyers and sellers in a relaxed, non-committal setting. By engaging visitors in meaningful conversations, answering their questions, and offering valuable insights about the property and the local market, agents can begin to establish rapport and build lasting relationships with prospective clients. Hosting open houses also allows new agents to capture valuable leads from interested buyers who attend the event. By collecting contact information and following up with attendees afterwards, agents can nurture these leads and convert them into clients. Additionally, open houses often attract curious neighbors who may be considering selling their homes in the future, providing agents with potential seller leads as well.

2) Establish a strong online presence. In today’s digital age, having a robust online presence is a non-negotiable for any real estate professional. Start by creating a professional website that showcases your expertise, services, and listings. Utilize social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn to connect with potential clients and showcase your personality and expertise. Consistently share valuable content, such as market updates, home buying tips, and local insights, to position yourself as a trusted authority in your area.

3) Consume real estate coaching weekly. In a dynamic industry like real estate, knowledge is power. As a new agent, investing in continuous education and professional development is essential for staying ahead of the curve and honing your skills. Take advantage of training programs, workshops, podcasts and online courses offered by reputable institutions and industry experts. Stay abreast of the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in real estate to position yourself as a knowledgeable and competent professional in the eyes of your clients.

4) Study the market. The real estate market is subject to constant fluctuations influenced by various factors such as economic conditions, supply and demand dynamics, interest rates, and demographic trends. By studying the market, new agents can gain insights into these trends and understand the forces shaping local property values, transaction volumes, and market conditions. This knowledge enables agents to provide informed advice to their clients, make strategic decisions, and adapt their approach to changing market conditions effectively. It will also help new agents identify emerging opportunities such as undervalued properties, potential investment hotspots, or niche market segments with high demand allowing them to position themselves as valuable advisors to their clients.

5) Know your neighborhood. When your neighbors find out you are a Realtor, you will eventually get a lot of “how’s the market?” questions. Be ready with your answer. Zero in on the mile radius around your house, set up a search so that every morning you see what is new, and MEET your neighbors. Go to every neighborhood event and/or host events yourself. I’ve gotten six deals from my small neighborhood just because I show up to everything and have taken the time to really get to know people.

And while the above tips are an excellent starting point, don’t get let them get you bogged down or overwhelmed. Being successful in this industry really just boils down to one thing: building and maintaining a presence with the people around you.

Real estate does not promise a quick buck, but it does reward those who show up every day and stick with it!

Questions? I’m always up for a chat. Give me a call or shoot me an email!