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4 questions to ask after the inspection report


4 questions to ask after the inspection report

When it comes to inspections, my advice is always the same: YOU NEED ONE. After all, a house may be the single most expensive purchase you make in your life—don’t you want to know what exactly you’re buying? Of course you do.

After the inspection is done and you’ve gotten the report back, though, it’s important to remember everything you loved about the house because it’s going to be really easy to think: Why would I buy that?!

I always say that inspections are like the first bad date after an engagement. No matter what shape the house is in, an inspector’s job is to highlight ever single item that is even slightly off. I have never—NEVER!—seen an inspection report come back with nothing wrong.

As your real estate agent, my job during inspections is to 1.) set realistic expectations, and 2) help you figure out how to peacefully move forward. In that vein, here are four questions I always ask my buyers when inspections come back with more than we anticipated:

1. Is it permanent?

Can it be removed? If so, would you want to remove it? If not, is it a deal breaker?

2. Is it fixable?

Most things are! That’s what the inspection negotiation process is all about: coming to an agreement with the seller about how to move forward.

3. Does it harm you?

If not, can you live with it as is until you can either fix it yourself or hire someone to fix it? If so, see #2.

4. Do you still picture your future here?

This is probably the most important of the four questions. If you can no longer see yourself living in the home, it’s best to tell me now.

So. Take a deep breath and know that nearly 100% of the time, inspections make a buyer panic. Also keep in mind that only ONE of my deals has ever *not* made it past the inspection phase. You are almost certainly getting to close, it just might be a bit bumpy for a week.

Don’t worry, though. I gotchu.