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3 things my clients often say they regret after a deal


3 things my clients often say they regret after a deal

With the benefit of hindsight, it can often be obvious only AFTER the papers are signed and the keys are handed over and the boxes are unpacked all the things that would’ve made life better or easier during the difficult transition of a move. That said, I keep hearing these three regrets from client after client:

Regret #1: Not taking the time to properly say goodbye to a house

I have written a few articles on this topic already (see: “How to say goodbye to a house” and “How to walk kids through the transition of a move“) so I won’t belabor this subject, but it can sometimes be difficult to adapt to a new house if you’re still pining over the one you just left. A proper goodbye heals a grieving heart just as much as it helps to form a bridge from one place to the next. If you often feel like a stranger in your new house, it could just be that you need to “let go” of the old one.

Regret #2: Not hiring a cleaner

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Sometimes our time (and our sanity!) is worth more than money and I certainly think that is the case during a move. You guys, moving is beyond stressful. Let yourself focus on the move ahead and let someone else clean up what’s left behind.

Regret #3: Not taking the opportunity to declutter/purge BEFORE moving

During every move, there inevitably comes a moment when either you or someone you live with will utter or think these seven words: “Why do we have SO MUCH STUFF?” If you ask me, there is no better time than a move to take inventory of your belongings and ask yourself some hard questions about their utility and importance. (See: “5 things you can easily purge“) I usually do this room-by-room a few weeks before packing so it doesn’t feel so overwhelming. The main categories I focus on are clothing (shoes included), kitchen tools & dinnerware, linens, toys & games, garage/storage, furniture, decor, and books. I found this article to be super helpful. Trust me, though, future you will thank present you (while unpacking less boxes).

Did you have any other regrets after a move or did you find yourself agreeing with these? Let me know!