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3 phrases that will KILL your deal


3 phrases that will KILL your deal

Indianapolis homeowners, will you get your house sold in this market? Yes. Will you drum up interest and demand in such a way that it drives your price even higher? If you avoid putting buyers in a situation where they have to utter these three phrases, you’ll be closer to getting top dollar:

1. “Is that a leak?”

Leaks are common and patches (especially on ceilings) are really obvious. If you’ve made a repair to a leak, disclose it up front (because they will notice the patch anyway) and let them know what happened. It will earn the buyer’s trust and show them that you’ve taken care of the home.

2. “I smell a cat.”

No amount of Febreze will mask the smell of carpet that has hosted frequent animal accidents. If you have a pet that has had regular accidents in the home, replace the carpet! Be sure to remove dogs from the home during showings as well.

(If that sounds like a lot out-of-pocket, I’d be happy to hook you up with Compass Concierge: a zero interest loan that can cover whatever you need to help facilitate the sale of your home, including animal boarding for showings. You just use your seller proceeds to pay it back at the closing table.)

3. “I didn’t realize that was there..”

Is your home next to something… interesting? (Perhaps a gas station, interstate, cemetery—I’ve seen it all!) Be upfront about your home’s location. Buyers won’t like being surprised if it’s in a unique location. If you disclose the location in a sensitive way that informs but doesn’t deter, buyers will already be at peace once they come to tour.